Friday, August 31, 2012

As usual I started working on thi little study in the morning and then it gets hotter and I bail and go home and finish it. Well I could go back another morning and finish there .  By then I'm ready for another one. I suppose if I find one I really like I will spend more than a day on it. I've been thinking of doing some oil sketches also for fun. I watched a Jackson Pollack movie and he just took a big ole peice of canvas and poured a bunch of paint on it. I thought , huh.  wouldn't it be fun to take a rol of canvas and lay it out in the field and then splash a bunch of paint on it for a landscape but then I thought, how would I get it home. I'm sure if I left it there over night the cows would leave cow patties on it.Well there's acrylics. No I don't like those.A truck on those dirt roads would be intrusive I guess. Okay. One would have to do a smaller study and work from that when you go it to your studio. No worries. I don't have that much paint anyway.


mark norseth said...

Susan, you are really getting into the feel of things, thanks for sharing these. The knowledge you are gaining from the first hand study of nature will equip you uniquely for your indoor paintings and projects that haven't even occurred to you yet. It's very inspired!

susan putnam- jensen said...

Thanks Mark, Some of these colors don't don't seem to make an apperance but others seem to jump off the page. It's very strange. Oh well. There's a lot of directions one could go. I don't know how people decide on any one. :-)