Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I just went crazy a scribbled this sketch in a road path. I kind of like the loosness. It was fun. 
I got tired of carrying around the wood box with pastels so i just decided to carry these lighter weight cardboard boxes. they won't last as long but they are not as heavy. I like laying them on the ground because I like the space. Ahhh in the shade.
This is my last piece at Crabapple Creek. There are so many trees there and fields. However today i discovered Oaks Island on Sauve Island. i was working on a piece and who should drive up but Brenda Boylan, Gretha Linewood , and Bev Drew Kinley on their way out. I said next time ask me to go. I'm just not popular. Oh well. keep on keeping on. The area is soon to be closed for the season anyway. I don't know if I'll get to finish the piece i started there. I guess I'll have to wing it. But next year....... I don't know if there is going to be a paint out day at Sauvie this Saturday or not. I have to go to NW Wine Bar to pick up one of my pieces but maybe i can get some time in the morning to get some work done.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

wolf takes "People choice" at Sauerkraut Festival in Scappoose

Well what gets rejected in one place gets a first place peoples choice in another. I'd rather have the peoples choice than the one judge from Salem state fair. It's more opinions. Not just one. Thanks Scappoose.

Among the local famous people that stopped by were Rep. Brad Witt and his lovely wife. He went around and talked to everyone. 
Also Pastor Josh Litton and his lovely girlfriend. This guys preaching is honest and educated. He'll give it to you straight. 
 The very successful Bart Miller shared his moving gallery with a cartoonist. 
And my friend teacher Laura Hamel showed her inovative photography . She is a natural story teller so some of her photos have a story to tell. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

crabapple creek preserve Oregon

With the warm weather last week I went back to Crabapple creek preserve and worked near the same area as before. The sun was straight up so the picture is turning out kind of flat but I like the surface so far. I still have some work to do on it but I am going to try and participate in the NPS paint out in Hood River. There are so many great artists there i hope to pick up some new things. They have organized locations with about 3 or 4 hours in one place. There are so many places to paint in Hood location and they have a gallery there I haven't seen yet so am looking forward to a few busy days. I hope I don't get too tired. On September 19th I will participate in the Scappoose Sauerkraut Festival and so will miss a few of the Hood paint out locations. Much much to learn. When the weather gets poor and my hands freeze from being cold I hope to work on a few still lives. 
 Accompanied Laura Hamel the photographer , at Hillsboro Orenco station farmers market. I would say it's not a place to sell art. Maybe the winter market because folks are looking for Christmas presents but I decided to stay away from farmers markets.
 Okay Later and God Bless.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

salem state fair and other stuff

the state fair in Salem was a bummer. It seemed like a junk show and my pic was hung in bad light. Clearly the judges had an agenda . Just one of those things where people didn't have my tastes or the tastes of a lot of others. Not all shows are great I guess. Sooooo onto the next one. Sauerkraut Festival is coming up the 19th of September. Columbia Art Guild is going to have a show also at the same time. Northwest Pastel society is going to have a paint out pretty soon. Hopefully I'll get some work done. also started a new piece at crabapple area.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

King tut exhibit

Went to see the King Tut Exhibit. They did not let u take photos. But it was interesting to see all the little figurines and the details in their artwork. I think the museum had a lot of stores. Maybe 5  just in case you missed the first one. this makes twice that I've seen it because I think it was in Portland but they had different things in the one in Portland so i was wondering if they showed different stuff in different places. Oh well. it was interesting.

Rembrandt painting

Went to the deYoung museum in Frisco and to the Legion of Honor and saw the masters and took a close look. Very educational and inspiring. (maybe)
It was nice they let us take photos and look at the pictures real close. I could see the layers and how they proceeded.