Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sean Jensen lead guitarist for Trojan Swamp Monster

  • Sean Jensen lead guitarist from "Trojan Swamp Monster" :-)  from my phone. original 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

small study

Lately I have been interested in experimenting with oils so I'm working small. why commit to a big piece ? There are several things going through my mind now as I put down the pastels and pick up the oil. Although things may slow as the holidays approach I will be back. Well see where it takes me. B) .  Happy Holidays

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Goble hills oregon in the summer

I love pastels although would like to do some oils as well. Here is a pastel from the hills of Goble Oregon.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Red Barn in Warren Oregon

Red barn in Warren Oregon, Done in pastels.I loved the trees in this. I don't always find the trees I like but I liked these. There's a short window for these trees in the fall. One could rush around and do quick pictures or take millions of photos for reference. Or work 24 7 until the rain comes. Again I don't like being rushed so i don't get a lot done. I suppose I could do a  lot of little works and sketchy stuff. That can work to ones benefit if you can sell it. - Pastels.

Bybee park in the sun.

Here was an enjoyable day. it was warm and comfortable to just relax and sketch. In pastels.

Trojan Parrk trees,

Trojan Park, Oregon . I vacillate between oils and pastels now. Of course the weather is mostly rainy here so if you work from life you have to work really fast and since I don't like to be rushed I rarely get a lot of plein air work done. It seems the popular thing to do is work fast and enter shows until you drop. Of course the end is to make money. I can't do that. I want to enjoy what I do . On the other hand it's nice to get together with artist friends and have the money to purchase some of their pieces so money comes in handy. It's kind of what the US is about . I guess. Money. Still i don't like to be rushed. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"walking down the road"  done in oils near Columbia County Oregon. I'm experimenting with oils now and setting aside pastels for awhile. This last week I had to work so I didn't get out but am hoping to get out more this summer. I am increasingly more fascinated with oils . This area does get a lot of rain so time is limited but it has a variety of landscapes which is good. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Don Bishops's painting in progress

Happened upon Don Bishop as he was painting on a windy knoll. He was very generous to share his painting thoughts.

a study

Well . A word of advice to myself. Only be positive. This was fun to do but I can see by looking at it there's more to learn. But there's a ton of artists in the world so no rush. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sauvie Island oil study

This one is nothing to brag about in my opinion. It was a dark and flat day. I want to get the richness I get with pastels but losing the battle so far. I know a lot of people work from photos as well as outdoors and I can do that but sometimes it just feels like your taking what you can get when your outside even tho it was kind of cold and dark. I mean if my stuff comes out ugly and doesn't conform to all the commercial tricks that's okay.

barges on the Columbia

I am for some reason attracted to these big bodied ships. I think I could do a better one sometime. pastels.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Went to Jackson Bottom on a winter sunny day and scribbled in some shapes and colors for another piece. started another piece ot the same area but not completed. We stayed till dusk because it was so warm and peaceful.


Several layers of pastel.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

crown zellerbach trail. pastel, plein air. oregon. Susan putnam-jensen

I was out for a walk and found this very long trail. It was a gray drizzly day but the sun peeked out here and there. Of course the days are short but I scribbled in as much info as I could and worked on it some more at home although this one would of best been done completely on sight in my humble opinion. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here's a photo that Gretha Lindwood took of me in the summer doing pastels. At Sauvie IsLAND. Thanks for your inspiration Gretha.