Tuesday, September 15, 2009

crabapple creek preserve Oregon

With the warm weather last week I went back to Crabapple creek preserve and worked near the same area as before. The sun was straight up so the picture is turning out kind of flat but I like the surface so far. I still have some work to do on it but I am going to try and participate in the NPS paint out in Hood River. There are so many great artists there i hope to pick up some new things. They have organized locations with about 3 or 4 hours in one place. There are so many places to paint in Hood location and they have a gallery there I haven't seen yet so am looking forward to a few busy days. I hope I don't get too tired. On September 19th I will participate in the Scappoose Sauerkraut Festival and so will miss a few of the Hood paint out locations. Much much to learn. When the weather gets poor and my hands freeze from being cold I hope to work on a few still lives. 
 Accompanied Laura Hamel the photographer , at Hillsboro Orenco station farmers market. I would say it's not a place to sell art. Maybe the winter market because folks are looking for Christmas presents but I decided to stay away from farmers markets.
 Okay Later and God Bless.

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