Saturday, September 17, 2011

steelman's study

although I enjoy pastels I don't like that it comes off. I like the immediate colors but the lack of permanence bothers me. I enjoy trees but I think I should start doing other subjects. -Maybe. I guess it's a never ending process. I really wish I could find a person to go out and paint with. It seems like everyone finds a buddy to paint with. Oh well. Just keep painting.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I decided to do some oils. I go back and forth. Getting more loose would be nice tho. It doesn't matter . i don't have a crowd of spectators expecting me to do great things so i can continue to experiment. ha ha ha

choose a path

Well by now U know I'm not with the in crowd. Someday maybe. It's nice to have a painting partner I guess that helps one get out. Oh well. I worked on this pastel but it didn't photograph well at all. I would like to have more subdued work as well . I need to get some grays and work on compliments.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I decided to try and work less details and work in shapes and colors and I enjoyed it. it lead to more imagination and less confining.

Monday, April 18, 2011

winters field

Winter's field

went out to winters field and got about half way thru and had to leave because he was fertilizing and then I continued on the road. finished up at home. pastels. I need to find more people to go out with. :-)